Statements and risk warnings

Regulatory statement

Bordier & Cie (UK) PLC is a specialist investment manager, dedicated to providing portfolio management services.

Bordier UK and Bordier Wealth Planning are trading names of Bordier & Cie (UK) PLC.

Bordier UK offer Restricted advice as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which means that if we make a personal recommendation of an investment solution to you, it will be from Bordier UK’s range of investment propositions, and will reflect your needs and your approach to risk.

Bordier Wealth Planning offer Restricted advice as defined by the FCA, which means that if we make a personal recommendation of an investment solution to you, it will be from a selected range of investment propositions and will reflect your needs and your approach to risk.

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Address: 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN ( By accessing these pages you shall be deemed to accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this notice.

Private investors should take advice from their own professional adviser before making investment decisions.

Risk warning

The value of investments, and the income arising from them, can go down as well as up, and is not guaranteed, which means that you may not get back what you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Changes in exchange rates may also cause an investment to fluctuate in value. Levels of taxation depend on your individual circumstances and the value of any tax reliefs which apply.

Please note that we are not tax advisers and the any guidance given is based upon our understanding of current tax rules and practices. We recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice to gain certainty in the tax arena.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information we publish online is correct, the directors of Bordier & Cie (UK) PLC can take no responsibility for any action taken (or not taken) as a result of the matters discussed within it.

Interest paid on cash balances

We pay interest on client money whilst held with Bordier UK at a fixed rate set by our custodian, SEI Investments Europe Ltd. When payable, interest is calculated daily and is credited to your account gross every month.

The current rates of interest for accounts held onshore with SEI can be found on the SEI website – interest rates for custody terms and conditions.

Please note, no interest is earned on money held directly with Bordier UK or with another custodian.

Cost and charges information

Bordier UK cost and charges information

Complaints Handling Policy

Bordier UK Complaints Handling Policy

Commitment to the Stewardship Code

Bordier & Cie (UK) PLC Stewardship Code disclosure

Classification as a professional client

Bordier UK classification as a professional client


You should note that there is no guarantee that emails you send will be received by us. Important or urgent messages should be sent by mail or telephone.


All information published online by us has been approved by Bordier UK for the purposes of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. It is not intended as an offer to acquire or dispose of any security or interest in any security.

Use of cookies

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes a unique identifier that is sent to your computer, mobile phone or tablet browser from a website and is stored on your device’s internal storage. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but to protect your privacy browsers usually only permit a website to access the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other websites.

How does Bordier UK use cookies?

Cookies are used for three purposes on the Bordier UK website. Firstly they are used to collect information about how visitors interact with our site including information such as your IP address, operating system and browser type. This is anonymous statistical data which provides us with information we can use to help monitor the performance of the website and improve it.

The other use of cookies on the Bordier UK website is in the “Client Login” and “Professional advisers” areas. When you log in to these area, our site will send you a unique identifier in a cookie so that it can keep you logged in. This is destroyed when you log out of the site or close your browser and does not contain any information which personally identifies you.

If you choose to tick the box on the “Client Login” page so that your browser remembers your username, then our site will send your computer a cookie that contains the information in an encrypted form (using Triple DES encryption). If you want to remove this cookie you can do so by unticking the box the next time you log in. Please note that we will never save your password in a cookie.

Minor non-monetary benefits disclosure

Bordier UK may provide or receive minor non-monetary benefits to or from third parties (including other companies in the Bordier Group) as permitted under applicable law. The receipt of such benefits enhance the overall quality of Bordier UK’s services and will not compromise our duty to act in the best interests of our clients at all times.

Bordier UK adheres to a Gifts and Hospitality Policy, which establishes the minimum standards to be maintained when giving and receiving gifts and/or the provision or acceptance of business entertainment and corporate events, particularly when the other party is a provider of investment products or services.

Such minor non-monetary benefits may include, but are not limited to:

  • information or documentation relating to a financial instrument or an investment service, that is generic in nature or personalised to reflect the circumstances of an individual client (items such as product literature, freepost envelopes, articles, news items or financial promotions);
  • written material from a third party that is commissioned and paid for by them, provided that commissioning is clearly disclosed in the material and that the material is made available at the same time to any firms wishing to receive it, or to the general public;
  • non-substantive material or services consisting of short term market commentary on the latest economic statistics or company results or information on upcoming releases or events;
  • quotations and/or projections relating to investment products, advice on the completion of forms or documents, access to electronic dealing or quotation systems and software that gives information about investment products;
  • participation in conferences, seminars and other training events on the benefits and features of a specific financial instrument or an investment service;
  • hospitality of a reasonable de minimis value, such as food and drink during a business meeting or a conference, seminar or other training event; and
  • other minor benefits that are capable of enhancing the quality of the service provided to clients and do not impair the firm’s duty to act in the best interests of the client.