Our investment services

We are investment managers who focus all of our time and expertise on managing portfolios for private families, pension funds, trusts, charities, offshore bonds, livery companies, small institutions, welfare committees, and trustees.  Most of our clients ask us to manage portfolios on a discretionary basis, where we make day to day decisions within an agreed framework and risk profile, and report to you and your advisers on a regular basis.

At the heart of our investment approach is the Investment Committee, which meets regularly to implement the following:

  • Strategic asset allocation: A high proportion of returns come from making the correct strategic calls
  • Tactical asset allocation: Shorter term changes to our core strategic asset allocation
  • Fund selection: Carefully focused research can select better performing funds
  • Risk management: Controlling risk and volatility is key; we are proactive and forward looking

For further details on each service, please select from the menu above. Your financial adviser will be able to advise you on the service most suitable for your circumstances.

Wealth Management Service

Our Wealth Management Service is a bespoke discretionary portfolio management service for high net worth individuals looking to invest larger sums. With a dedicated investment manager, and direct access to our Client Services team, the service also includes our award winning client reporting.

  • Active and passive investment strategies
  • A dedicated investment manager and shadow manager
  • Direct access to our Client Services team
  • Onshore or offshore custody
  • Quarterly reporting
  • Transaction reporting
  • Tax pack at financial year end
  • Regular meetings with your investment manager
  • Online and iOS/Android valuations

There are five investment strategies for you to choose from. Each has its own level of risk and expected return and all of them are actively managed by us to ensure that we meet your investment goals. You can choose an Income option in all of our strategies, which means that you can benefit from regular income from your investments as well as potential long term capital growth. You select the investment strategy that best suits your financial objectives and risk profile. We do the rest: we manage your portfolio on an active basis and keep you up to date with what we are doing.

Portfolios can be held in a wide range of investment structures, including some that provide tax advantages to you. Your professional adviser will help you to select the most appropriate method of investing.

Further information

For information on how to access our Wealth Management Service please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].

Click here to request a call back from our portfolio management team.

Managed Portfolio Service (MPS)

The Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) has been introduced by us to give investors with more modest sums access to the portfolio management skills of the Bordier UK investment team. The service invests actively in collective investment funds, which helps to ensure that investors benefit from a diversified spread of investments across a wide range of different asset classes, not just in the UK but in overseas markets as well.

  • Cost effective management of portfolios
  • Five investment strategies with different levels of risk and expected return
  • Direct access to the Managed Portfolio team
  • Quarterly electronic valuations

There are five investment strategies for you to choose from. Each has its own risk profile and all of them are actively managed by us to ensure that we meet your investment goals. You can choose an Income option in all of our strategies, which means that you can benefit from regular income from your investments as well as potential long term capital growth. You and your professional adviser select the investment strategy that best suits your financial objectives and risk profile. We do the rest: we manage your portfolio on an active basis and keep you and your adviser up to date with what we are doing.

Portfolios can be held in a wide range of investment structures, including some that provide tax advantages to you. Your professional adviser will help you to select the most appropriate method of investing.

Further information

For information on how to access our Managed Portfolio Service please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].

Hybrid Passive Managed Service

Our Hybrid Passive Managed Service provides a lower cost investment solution for investors concerned over total service cost whilst also not wishing to compromise on the quality of their investments.

The five investment growth strategies (Defensive to Adventurous) benefit from active multi-asset allocation but with a reduced cost of underlying funds through the use of lower cost, passive index funds in addition to tactical active collective investments.

Our Hybrid Passive Managed Service is available directly through the Bordier UK platform or via third-party platform.

  • Five investment strategies with different levels of risk and expected return.
  • Lower cost access to active discretionary fund management.
  • Global, multi-asset investment approach.
  • Active asset allocation with a blend of actively managed and passive collective investments.
  • Cost effective management of portfolios.
  • Models rebalanced at least quarterly to negate effects of portfolio ‘drift’.

Investors accessing our Hybrid Passive Managed Service directly through our Bordier UK platform will also gain direct access to our Managed Portfolio Service team and online client portal, where they can view up-to-date valuations and portfolio performance.

Further information

For information on how to access our Hybrid Passive Managed Service please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].

Platform Managed Portfolio Service

Our Platform Managed Portfolio Service is a new way to access Bordier UK’s wealth of investment experience via five models on a variety of platforms. The service offers a high quality, affordable way for advisers to manage client assets.

  • Cost effective management of portfolios
  • Five investment growth strategies
  • Risk is categorised by volatility of returns and subsequently equity exposure
  • Online and hard copy valuations available – frequency dependent on Platform provider

The service is available via financial advisers. All models are rebalanced at least quarterly to negate the effects of portfolio ‘drift’.

Further information

For information on how to access our Platform Managed Portfolio Service please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].

Risk Targeted Managed Service

Our Risk Targeted (RT) Managed Service provides investors with access to investment strategies that benefit from full discretionary fund management, with volatility targeted to stay within the boundaries assigned to specific Dynamic Planner (DP) risk profiles.

The five RT investment strategies (Risk Targeted 3-7) are part of DP’s Risk Target Managed (RTM) solutions and are managed in accordance with Dynamic Planner risk profiles to assist professional advisers with risk-mapping and ensuring the underlying investments map to the client’s chosen risk profile.

  • Strategies for DP risk profiles 3-7.
  • Global investment approach.
  • Cost effective management of portfolios.
  • Suitable for growth and income requirements.
  • Direct access to Managed Portfolio team.
  • Quarterly electronic valuations.
  • Models rebalanced at least quarterly to negate effects of portfolio ‘drift’.

Further information

For information on how to access our Risk Targeted Managed Service please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].

Hybrid Passive Risk Targeted Managed Service

Our Hybrid Passive Risk Targeted (RT) Managed Service provides a lower cost investment solution for investors concerned over total service cost, whilst also ensuring the underlying investments map to the investor’s chosen risk profile.

The five investment growth strategies (Hybrid Passive RT3 to Hybrid Passive RT7) benefit from active multi-asset allocation but with a reduced cost of underlying funds through the use of lower cost, passive index funds in addition to tactical active collective investments. Each strategies’ volatility is targeted to stay within the boundaries assigned to specific Dynamic Planner (DP) risk profiles.

Our Hybrid Passive RT Managed Service is available directly through the Bordier UK platform or via third-party platform, and is part of Dynamic Planner’s Risk Target Managed (RTM) solutions.

  • Five investment strategies managed in accordance with Dynamic Planner risk profiles 3-7.
  • Lower cost access to active discretionary fund management.
  • Global, multi-asset investment approach.
  • Active asset allocation with a blend of actively managed and passive collective investments.
  • Cost effective management of portfolios.
  • Models rebalanced at least quarterly to negate effects of portfolio ‘drift’.

Investors accessing our Hybrid Passive RT Managed Service directly through our Bordier UK platform will also gain direct access to our Managed Portfolio Service team and online client portal, where they can view up-to-date valuations and portfolio performance.

Further information

For information on how to access our Hybrid Passive RT Managed Service please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].

Risk Targeted Decumulation Service

Our Risk Targeted Decumulation (RTD) Service is specifically designed for investors in drawdown worried about taking undue risk and seeking a smoother retirement journey.

The three investment strategies (RTD 4, 5 and 6) put capital preservation first and seek to minimise the risk of significantly eroding capital values in falling markets whilst the investor takes a fixed regular income.

Our RTD Service is available directly through the Bordier UK platform or via third-party platform, and is part of Dynamic Planner’s Risk Managed Decumulation (RMD) solutions to ensure the underlying investments map to, and are in line with, the investor’s chosen risk profile.

  • Three investment strategies managed in accordance with Dynamic Planner decumulation risk profiles (4-6) and based on assumptions specifically for investors taking a regular fixed income.
  • Lower cost access to active discretionary fund management.
  • Global, unconstrained multi-asset investment approach.
  • Strategic asset allocation with a blend of actively managed and passive collective investments.
  • Exposure to alternative investment funds and a minimal allocation to cash.
  • Independent, monthly assessment of risk by Dynamic Planner against strict risk boundaries to help provide a smoother retirement journey and reduce the speed at which the value of the portfolio decreases.
  • Models rebalanced at least quarterly to negate effects of portfolio ‘drift’.

Investors accessing our Risk Targeted Decumulation Service directly through our Bordier UK platform will also gain direct access to our Managed Portfolio Service team and online client portal, where they can view up-to-date valuations and portfolio performance.

Further information

For information on how to access our Risk Targeted Decumulation Service please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].

Our investment process

Managing risk in portfolios

Successful investment management must acknowledge the risks that investors face when constructing and managing a portfolio.

Risk is inevitable in life, and we cannot eliminate it entirely in the portfolios we manage. However, our robust investment process is designed to contain risk and volatility to acceptable levels, and to ensure that your portfolio is managed within the risk tolerance agreed with you and your advisers at the outset.

We reduce risk through:

  • Defined strategic allocation ranges in portfolios

    Every portfolio we manage is linked to an agreed risk profile with agreed allocation ranges for every asset class

  • Active tactical decisions

    We make active tactical changes to asset allocation in portfolios as conditions alter

  • Investment in funds

    We use funds extensively which offer wide diversification and a reduction in overall risk in our portfolios

  • A multi-asset approach

    We invest across a broad cross section of asset classes, many of which behave differently to the stockmarket as a whole

  • Exchange-traded funds

    We use exchange-traded funds (‘ETFs’) within our WMS solution to gain rapid, low-cost access to asset classes when appropriate, whilst we deploy unitised tracker funds across our platform MPS solutions to avoid the impact of frictional costs from brokerage fees

Our Investment Committee

At the heart of our investment approach is the Investment Committee, which meets regularly to establish our investment policy. The committee is drawn from senior members of the firm with long experience, and also draws macroeconomic input from a wide variety of sources including Bordier & Cie, Capital Economics and an international cross section of fund management houses.

The Committee’s remit is to consider:

  • Strategic asset allocation

    Strategic allocation is the single most important component of the decision making process – it is generally accepted that a significant proportion of portfolio returns come from making the correct strategic calls about which asset class to invest in

  • Tactical asset allocation

    Shorter term changes to our core strategic asset allocation can take advantage of shorter term influences on markets and react to events

  • Our fund selections

    Carefully focused research can select better performing funds, and no single investment manager is best at everything. We aim to select proven talent from across the world’s important investment institutions, and have no ties to any fund group

  • Risk management

    Controlling risk and volatility is key; we are proactive and forward looking in our approach to managing risk in portfolios

Our Investment Committee

Jamie Berry

Executive Chairman

Mark Robinson

Chief Investment Officer

Ian Heap

Director of Portfolio Management

Tom Cairns

Senior Investment Director

Robin Perry

Investment Director

Hugo Docx

Investment Director

Dipesh Mesuria

Head of Fund Research

Dan Taylor

Investment Analyst

Responsible investment

For the past 180 years, the Bordier Group has helped preserve clients’ wealth, growing and safeguarding it for future generations.

Investing responsibly is integral to the philosophy and values on which our services are based, and we firmly believe that responsible investment has financial relevance and can not only contribute to the creation of long-term investment returns but also has a meaningful impact on protecting and enhancing our world for the benefit of those who follow in our footsteps.

Our approach

Responsible investment is an approach to investing that aims to incorporate environmental, social and governance (‘ESG’) factors into investment decisions, to better manage risk and generate sustainable, long-term returns for investors.

Responsible investment is strongly embedded within our investment process and the funds we select for clients’ portfolios.

Our strong preference is to invest in actively managed external funds. Through both our initial and ongoing due diligence process, we identify and allocate capital to external fund managers who are incorporating strong disciplines within their own investment and decision-making processes in relation to ESG matters.

  • 40 actively-managed equity or fixed interest funds used across our range of ‘growth’ and ‘income’ strategies.
  • 28 separate global institutions utilised across our strategies.
  • All of the active funds we use across our range of investment strategies are managed by firms who are signatories to the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (‘PRI’) initiative.

Our research team engages directly with all external fund managers on a regular basis, whether or not they are PRI signatories, to assess the incorporation of ESG matters into their investment and decision-making processes.

We believe that active managers are in a strong position to incorporate ESG factors into their investment processes and it should not therefore be a surprise to see a significant proportion of them already having become signatories to the UN PRI.

Data as at July 2024.

Further information

Read our approach to responsible investment to learn more about responsible investment and how it is embedded within our investment process and clients’ portfolios.