- It is your CIP/CRP, and you should as far as possible be the architects of the proposition as you know your clients and business best
- You can have as much or as little assistance and input from us as you decide. There is no ‘all or nothing’ offering from Bordier UK
Why create/enhance your own CIP/CRP?
- Improve client outcomes and spend more time on client relationships
- Reduce overall business risk and workload created by increased regulation
- Improve operational efficiency and drive profitability
- Expand your business and take advantage of growth opportunities
- Create a sustainable and structured proposition to increase the value of your business
An experienced partner
- Operated on platforms for over 10 years
- Currently manage assets on 16 different platforms
- Manage bespoke clients on platform and directly
- Experienced with all industry risk-profiling tools
We can help you design, build and implement your own CIP/CRP, allowing you complete control and flexibility to access as much or as little of our skillset as you require, including:
- Asset allocation
- Fund research and selection
- Portfolio construction
- Legacy asset analysis and client transition planning
- Discretionary implementation
- Investment Committee input/participation
- Client communication and literature support
Find out more
Contact a member of our experienced team to learn more about how we can help you design, build and implement your own centralised investment or retirement proposition, including case studies on how we have helped other adviser firms.

- Mark Duggan
- Managing Director - Distribution
- 07738 697154
- [email protected]

- Philip Lacey
- Director of Sales
- 07534 447992
- [email protected]
Please note that this area of the website and its content is only for professional advisers based within the United Kingdom, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
The information and documents contained within are not for use by retail clients and by proceeding, you confirm that you are a professional adviser based in the UK.
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