Bordier UK awarded Defaqto 5 Star Ratings across all three DFM propositions
We are pleased to announce that we have achieved and retained the maximum Defaqto 5 Star Ratings for our Wealth Management Service (bespoke) and Managed Portfolio Service for the thirteenth consecutive year, whilst our Platform Managed Portfolio Service has been 5 Star Rated since the inception of Defaqto’s DFM MPS on Platform Rating category in 2014.
We are proud to be one of only three DFMs to have achieved these highest three Defaqto DFM Star Ratings across this period.
For further information on how to access our services please speak to your professional adviser or ask them to contact our sales team on +44 (0) 20 7667 6600 or email [email protected].
This page is issued and approved by Bordier & Cie (UK) PLC (‘Bordier UK’), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) Registered Number: 114324. Bordier UK is a specialist investment manager dedicated to providing portfolio management services. We offer Restricted advice as defined by the FCA, which means that if we make a personal recommendation of an investment solution to you, it will be from Bordier UK’s range of investment propositions and will reflect your needs and your approach to risk.
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